General terms

This page (website) is the property of Siflex Ltd. By using this website and the information contained therein, you declare that you have read, understood and agree to these terms. The website was created for informational purposes and provides basic information about Siflex Ltd., about products and services provided by Siflex Ltd., intended for commercial relations with corporate clients.


The content of this website is subject to copyright. The same belongs to Siflex Ltd., with all rights and legal consequences reserved. Unregulated use of any part of the website constitutes an offense and liability may be sought according to the current Bulgarian legislation. It is forbidden to copy, change, display, transmit, sell or in any other way to distribute the information (or parts thereof), for all other cases, the prior written consent of Siflex Ltd. is required.

Waiver of liability

Siflex Ltd. bears no liability for any damages, including indirect damages or lost profits, suffered as a result of or in any way related to the access and use of This information is provided in accordance with applicable law “how it is”, “as is” and “when available” without any warranty of its fitness for a particular purpose and security from computer viruses or other threats. The user alone is responsible for the subjective perceptions and interpretation of the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the information resources on this website. Siflex Ltd. does not guarantee trouble-free and continuous access to this website, but strives to limit the inconvenience to the maximum extent when using it.

Protection of personal data

When you visit the website of Siflex Ltd., the web server automatically records the name of your Internet provider and the website from which you visit us. Additional personal data is only stored if you voluntarily provide such. We guarantee the privacy of information containing personal data provided by users through completed forms and electronic correspondence. Siflex Ltd. will use the personal data collected only for the purposes for which they were voluntarily provided by the users and according to the provisions of the international and national legal framework currently in force in Bulgaria. The personal data provided by customers is processed in accordance with the requirements of the Personal Data Protection Act and the by-laws for its implementation.


Siflex Ltd. reserves the right to make changes to these Terms at any time, and undertakes to immediately publish such changes on the website.